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Health and Safety for All

The well-being and safety of students, employees and visitors on campus remains a priority at Hartnell.  We continue to monitor the requirements to preventing, mitigating, and reporting COVID-19 感染,如由 加州公共卫生部, CalOSHA COVID-19, and the 蒙特利县卫生局 (MCHD).

Report COVID-19 Incidents

Follow the Protocols outlined in the FAQs below if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, 检测结果呈阳性,或密切接触暴露.

报告您的COVID-19症状、阳性检测结果或密切接触事件 exposure directly to  提供你的症状开始的日期,你的检测呈阳性,或者你接触过病毒; 还要提供你最后一次出现在校园的日期.

2019冠状病毒病事件报告中提供的任何信息均为机密信息.  The information is needed to allow the District to respond and to ensure that necessary precautions 都是为了他人的安全 safety regulations are met. 

HCCD COVID-19协议-常见问题(常见问题)

Individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms 是否应该留在校外,戴上口罩,立即进行检测,并遵守协议 在我们的协议常见问题解答中概述(如下).  

Our FAQs are intended to summarize the most current COVID-19 prevention protocols, as of January 9, 2024, while also providing information about accessing testing, treatment, vaccination and more.


Common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

  • Fever or chills
  • 咳嗽、呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus; keep in mind, not everyone 被感染的人会有相同的症状. 

重要提示:如果您处于危险之中,请戴上口罩并立即就医 患严重疾病的风险更高 or you are experiencing emergency warning signs如呼吸困难、胸痛、神志不清或皮肤发蓝. 

If you experience any COVID-19 symptoms:  Stay home, wear a mask indoors around others 校园内要防止传染病传播,马上检测,并送去 你的事件细节 

If your test is negative: 


If your second test result is negative and you are still experiencing symptoms, continue 戴上口罩再考虑一下 至少在一天之后进行第三次测试.

建议你咨询一下医生 PCR test* and/or testing for other viral infections or illness, based on your continued 症状和任何严重疾病的风险.

*Sometimes people with COVID-19 have a negative rapid/antigen test even if symptoms are present; PCR testing may detect the virus earlier than an antigen test. 

If your test is positive: 

继续佩戴口罩(见Q3); isolate and monitor your temperature (see Q4 and Q5); and, get treatment (see Q9).

To prevent the spread of infectious diseases, wear a mask indoors around others on campus if you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms (such as cough, runny nose, 或喉咙痛)或任何其他COVID-19症状. 

如果有近距离接触,请戴上口罩 and develop symptoms.


With symptoms: Wear a mask during the minimum 24 hours of isolation and when around 另一些人则在室内待了整整10天* symptoms began.

Without symptoms: Wear a mask when indoors around others for 10 full days after the day your positive test was taken

Whether you have symptoms or not: You may discontinue wearing a mask on campus sooner than the full 10 days* if you receive two sequential negative antigen test results 至少间隔一天(中间一天不测试).  确认体温 results should be sent to

如果你要和某人在一起,请戴上口罩 higher-risk of severe illness:

Wear a high-quality mask, such as N-95, KN95 (respirator) if you will be in contact 与患重病的风险较高的人.

在空气不流通的室内公共场所或其他场合佩戴高质量口罩 you are traveling on public transportation.      

*Day 1 is the day after symptoms start, or the day after 如果你没有症状第一次检测呈阳性

Hartnell supports an individual's decision to wear a face covering/mask on campus even when not required. 

Face masks are highly encouraged in shared indoor spaces on campus during the Fall 冬季寒冷和烟季(通常在10月至3月期间).

任何戴口罩的人都应该优化口罩的贴合度和过滤效果,最好是通过使用 of a high-quality respirators (N95, KN95, KF94),配合良好.  See 何时以及为什么要戴口罩 for more information. 

外科口罩和N95口罩都可以在校园保安处免费获得 Station on each of our campus locations.  

参见Q1, Q2, Q4, Q5, Q6. and Q9.


呆在家里,除非去看医生 COVID-19 treatment (pills, shots, or IV), 隔离至少24小时后.

You may return to campus after 24 hours have passed only if you did not have any fever (100.在不使用退烧药物的情况下,在整整24小时内保持4°c或更高的体温 (如Advil或Tylenol) and 你的症状很轻微,而且正在好转.  

If you had a fever (100.(4°或以上)在过去24小时内,不得返回校园.  You may only return to campus after you have been free of fever for a full 24 hours, 如果不使用退烧药物, and 你的症状很轻微,而且正在好转.  



 如果你的检测呈阳性 NOT have symptoms:

如果你的检测呈阳性 NOT have any symptoms, you do NOT have to isolate.


If you do develop symptoms, the above 24-hour isolation period and masking protocols will apply to you. 

Note:  Your potential infectious period begins the 2 days before your symptoms began or you took your positive test without symptoms, through the remaining 10 calendar days.  在此期间避免与患重病风险较高的人接触 time.

*Day 1 is counted the day after 症状开始了,还是那天 after 你的阳性测试没有出现任何症状.


如果你的COVID-19检测呈阳性并出现症状, for a minimum of 24 hours.

Continue isolating until you have not had any fever during the last 24 hours, without 使用任何退烧药物(如Advil或Tylenol), and 你的症状很轻微,而且正在好转.   

When you discontinue isolation, you must adhere to the 10-day* masking guidelines.
*Day 1 is the day after symptoms start, or the day after 如果你没有症状第一次检测呈阳性

You do not have to isolate if you:

Test positive and do not have symptoms.
最近是否有过密切接触者 not have symptoms.

也请参见Q2, Q3, Q4和Q6.

Close contact exposure is:

Sharing the same indoor airspace as someone with COVID-19 for a cumulative total of 在24小时内,在室内的时间超过15分钟 less than 400,000 cubic feet; and,

B与COVID-19患者在6英尺范围内接触累计15分钟 或者超过24小时,在室内空间 greater than 400,000 cubic feet. 


戴上高质量的口罩,并立即进行检测,以确定你是否被感染.  If 你的测试结果是阴性的,1天后再测试一次. 

If the second test is also negative and you are still concerned about COVID-19, consider 至少在一天之后进行第三次测试, and consult with your healthcare provider.

如果你和某个人有联系 higher risk of severe infection, test before contact with them and wear a mask around them indoors for 10 days.

If you were exposed and do not have symptoms:



Test before you have contact with someone who is at higher risk of illness, and wear 在接触后的10天内,当你在他们周围时戴上口罩.

If you were exposed, do not have symptoms and are at higher risk COVID-19严重感染病例;

戴上高质量的口罩或呼吸器.g.当你和别人在一起的时候 在家或在公共场合.

Test within 5 days after your exposure date, especially if you could benefit from treatment.

Note:  Employees who experience close contact exposure at work receive free COVID-19 testing from the District. 


见劳资关系部 加州工人休假权对比图 为可能的带薪休假权利,你可能符合条件.

此外,定期受雇的地区雇员可寻求 HCCD工人补偿休假福利 和/或使用叶子在各自的解释 HCCD集体谈判协议或工作条件


疾控中心建议6个月及以上的人服用 stay up to date with the COVID-19 vaccine. 在你附近找一家疫苗诊所, or call (833) 422-4255. 

People who are at the highest risk of severe consequences of COVID-19 should prioritize getting vaccinated. 高危人群包括:老年人 孕妇和刚怀孕的人,免疫功能低下的人,患有 某些医疗条件 如慢性疾病或癌症,以及患有 disabilities.  

CDPH guidance for protecting your health with updated COVID-19 Vaccine can be found here.

可获得有关免预约和预约接种疫苗的最新信息 here

People vaccinated in California can access the digital version of their vaccination 通过加州的 数字疫苗记录(DVR)门户

No-cost COVID-⁠19 testing is available to uninsured individuals and underserved communities through the Increasing Community Access to Testing (ICATT) program; find your nearest ICATT location here

Most 保险计划涵盖了费用 有限数量的COVID-19家庭检测.  拥有私人健康保险的个人 医疗保险,Medi-Cal或Medicare都可以 免费接受健康保险范围内的家庭检查 coverage - up to a maximum of 8 tests (4 test kits) per month, per person, and subject to carrier limitations. 

参与MCSIG快捷药方计划的员工可免费获得4张处方 每月通过Express Scripts进行测试(2个测试套件).  Test kits can be ordered 在线或访问参与的药房(见更多) here).

确定蒙特雷县快速/抗原和PCR/实验室检测点 here

If you have tested positive and have symptoms for COVID-19, treatment is available 通过你的医疗服务提供者,去加州医院 COVID-19 Treatment, the CDPH Treatment 网页,或致电1-833-422-4255. 

学生继续利用危机咨询和情绪健康服务 校园预约,每周一至周五,上午11点开始.m. to 12 p.m. 有关这些学生服务和安排预约的信息可以 be accessed here.

Students may also speak confidentially with a TimelyCare professional 24 hours a day, 每周七天,通过TimelyCare webpage.

Employees can access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided through the MetLife LifeWorks program.  每周7天,每天24小时提供员工协助. 


All Hartnell buildings are ventilated with outside air that is returned to the outside. 室内空气不能再循环. 所有建筑物的空气过滤器均达到或超过OSHA标准 standards. 房间空气净化器也已根据需要放置.




As of March 21, 2022, Hartnell no longer requires all individuals on campus to wear 在校内的室内地点须佩戴口罩. 进行此更改是为了与 CDPH and 蒙特雷县卫生局的 修改掩蔽命令和建议.

See our FAQs above 了解更多有关当前掩蔽要求的信息,该要求将于2024年1月9日生效. 

学生和员工 not vaccinated are no longer required to submit confirmation of on-going screening negative 截至2022年12月14日的测试结果. 

See our FAQs for more about current testing requirements, effective January 9, 2024, and access to testing.

哈特内尔社区学院区有 not 要求希望工作或上课的个人提供疫苗接种证明 在五个校区中的任何一个

要求学生和员工提供COVID-19疫苗接种证明 已于2022年12月14日解除,预计将终止 加州进入COVID-19紧急状态.  

As of the Spring 2023 semester, students can sign up for in-person, hybrid and online 无论疫苗接种状况如何.


